Thursday, September 29, 2005


Thursday, September 29, 2005 -

Arrived safely in Thailand via company jet. Took civilan transportation to Buriram. Donkeys just don't walk as fast as they used to. Met with contact and secured living facilities. I don't think the contact should have been wearing that bright orange shirt that said "Contact". Hopefully, no one around here reads English.

I don't have to locate the suspect until tomorrow, so I enjoyed a night on the town. I went to every popular tourist spot in Buriram. It only took 10 minutes, and then I spent the rest of the evening being incredibly bored. They could really use a bowling alley or something around here!

Went back to safe house and amused myself with a little game I like to call "Redecorating with Firearms". Tried to draw a picture on the wall using bullet holes. I think the silencer was throwing off my artistic ability (I work better with loud explosions to encourage me), but then, we don't want the neighbors reporting gunfire, now do we? Anyhow, it didn't turn out as well as the "Mona Lisa" I did in Switzerland, but still, I think it's recognizable as "Whistler's Mother". Well, it's obviously SOMETHING in a rocking chair.

Finished signing my work and decided to turn in early. It was only 3:00 am, but I probably had jet lag. I hadn't taken the company pills for it yet.

It only took a few minutes to stash weapons all over the house, brush my teeth, rig the door with explosives, and change into my pajamas (bullet-proof, naturally). Now, it's off to bed!

Until next time.....


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