An Alarming Mission
Today's mission was a tough one! My partner for this mission was Agent Eric - he's good, but still a bit green.
Everything started out so great - I was at the computer, carefully arranging pixels of the right color into the correct position. It was exacting work, but Agent Eric had my back.
Suddenly, the baby alarm went off! I was finding it difficult to concentrate with the klaxon blaring through the halls, so Agent Eric went and deactivated it.
But it was clear that his efforts would only provide a temporary solution. Even as I tried to get some particularly tricky pixels to align, I could see the baby alarm was twitching, just waiting for a chance to sound again.
So I suggested a more permanent fix to Agent Eric - take the main alarm unit to a re-fueling facility, and lubricate it well. He left to execute this directive, and I returned to my work.
I knew something had gone horribly wrong when I heard the baby alarm go off again. But this time, something was different......
Then it struck me - this wasn't an ordinary baby alarm! This was the all-out, baby "nuclear-holocaust-is-upon-us-dear-God-we're-all-going-to-die" alarm!
THIS alarm was accompanied by louder sirens, flashing lights, thumping noises, and occasional random bursts of flame.
As you can imagine, his made it a bit harder to get those darn pixels in place.
After waiting a moment to see if Agent Eric was going to get the baby alarm to stop, I got up from my computer to see if he needed assistance.
When I got to the re-fueling facility, I found Agent Eric standing over a fully deployed baby alarm unit, with an array of tools about him. I pointed out that he had chosen a solid lubricant, when this unit needed liquid lubricant. He actually had a bottle of that at the ready, he just hadn't applied it yet.
He insisted that everything was under control, so I went back to the control room to finish my task. The baby alarm got even MORE urgent, but another check on Agent Eric showed that there really wasn't anything further for me to do.
Eventually he was successful in running down the power source on the baby alarm unit, causing the alarms to get quieter and finally stop. He was just applying the lubricant when HQ contacted us and ordered him to another urgent mission across town. I finished with the lubrication and was able to complete the mission solo.
After that, I enjoyed some quiet time in my quarters at HQ, just kicking back and watching a few DVDs I'd borrowed from an operative in Oregon. Just some light info on tactical procedures when confronted with alien life forms and/or Morgan Fairchild. Pretty basic stuff.
Until next time......
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